About Us

Ti Horticultural Supplies (Old West Road site) maintains the ability to grow and package our fruit exactly to the supermarkets’ specifications and the saving provided by the vertical integration of production and sales (cutting out the middle-man) this model has proven to be most successful.

Current Plans

Future developments for our site in Bullsbrook begin with a proposed Café/Restaurant as a place to host the public during their visits to our farm throughout the ‘Pick Your Own Season’.  This facility is currently pending approval by the City of Swan.

Future Plans

In an effort to become self-sufficient and manage the produce of our farm, our new facilities consist of 6 additional pressure-cooling and cold storage rooms and 4 new fumigation chambers that will be operational from late 2017. For the future development, and to manage the increasing size and fruit production of our farm we have commissioned a robotic packing machine to enable an increase in production speeds, output and efficiency.